L is for Light
Light just is.
Light does not move, yet it is far from static.
Light is life and life is light.
Light is also warming, warming all it touches.
Light can also be deflected and reflected. Either way, its non-moving, yet far from static path shifts.
Light’s presence brings varying degrees of darkness. However, in life 'as we know it Jim', where there’s light there’s life and where there’s life there’s light… inside, out and throughout.
Let it shine!
Here’s How:
Let your light shine through. Yes, even when it’s at its faintest, when you are your most darkest, your light still shines – let it be, let it glow, let go and let it live.
Light is clearing, and of course light ha! Light feels good.
The more you let go, loosen, open, untangle, the freer its pathways.
The more freely light circulates, the more it touches, the more it loosens etc.
The lighter, shinier, brighter and clearer you become.
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here’s what’s happening this week…
Global Reiki Circle – totally free and always will be was last Sunday and what a treat it was too - clearing, enlivening and empowering
Join our Facebook Group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/globalreikicircle for links to this monthly event where you’ll find preparation guidance.
Wholistic Living for REAL – the way your Nature intends workshops begin tomorrow. No takers so far, but I haven't done much in the way of promotion, so hardly surprising. Happy to go for organic growth - when it's right all round - glad to leave the dog-eat-dog grab for business to those who subscribe to that sort of thing.
The published price is £10… which is open to move for those able to pay more or less. Email for details. There are multiple dates. Book your place here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wholistic-living-for-real-tickets-147780586713
… need more help ditching your stress for good?
for Reiki and 1 to 1 Transformational Therapy phone Pat on 07737 196 669
or click on the link to book a complementary 30 min call back www.calendly.com/livingfirst
for more information, 'Wholistic Living, the way your Nature intends' talks and 'Wholistic Living' online workshops email info@livingfirst.co.uk
above all,
be safe, be sure, be you