R is for Reiki…
Reiki signifies a specific connection and relationship with universal energy that allows us to let go for a while, reconnect and re-engage our qualian beingness – those subtle nuances that make you you on a Universal level.
Words to the wise: phenomenon such as Reiki often fall prey to the vagaries of our rational minds. The best way for it to be approached is as openly, as loosely calm and relaxed as you possibly can.
Whenever synergy happens between the person channelling and recipient, Reiki is: relaxing, calming, nourishing, untangling, releasing, renewing, re-energising, replenishing, re-engaging and re-enlivening – with the potential to be life-changing.
There are, of course many ways by which we engage, cleanse and heal universal connectivity, thereby renewing and re-enlivening ourselves, of which Reiki is one.
For me, the thing we call Reiki was just part and parcel of who and what I was and had always been from a very young age. It was just something I lived and breathed. I only connected with it on a professional level when one morning I awoke with the word, Reiki on my mind with a will to find out more about it. It was quite bizarre to realise that something that came quite naturally to me was being practiced professionally.
To me, Reiki is an art form and part and parcel of my art of living.
We make such phenomena things through the passage of time. One person’s actions beneficially affect the life experience of another. It is experienced, witnessed and, as and when the culture is open to the practices, it’s left to be and in some respects encouraged. From there it becomes whatever it is to the individuals concerned.
Reiki allows me to practice and experience the ultimate in universal synergy – temporary life enhancing connections on a purely energetic level for relaxing, calming, clearing and healing. As such it re-enlivens the senses, instincts, intuitions – the individual’s Nature.
I love it, and to be able to practice it is both a blessing and a privilege.
When it works, Reiki is a truly beautiful experience. Sometimes it happens, other times it doesn’t. However, it is important to be with any draw you might have to give it a go… the soul knows where to go, and whilst sometimes we don’t like where it’s taking us, other times, yes, it’s good to go… to be with the flow.
Here’s how:
It’s all about relationships, your circularities with the whole of the rest of life – and yes, as you are connected to the whole of life, you will already have your own circularities with the universal aspects of life – inside, out, throughout and beyond.
Just allow those words to sink in and flow around to their own accord.
You are a Universal being and it matters not a jot how that plays out in life – as long as it is alive and living through you as free-flowing as is possible.
Being well-hydrated helps no end.
Relax, calm, loosen, opening up and breathing as freely as free can be. The connection and relationship is there… enjoy.
I am one of many, many Reiki Practitioners. If you are drawn or attracted to giving it a go, take your time and let your whole self be your guide… and if you’re having difficulty getting your whole self on board with your next steps in life – get in touch with me.
Namaste you beautiful soul, namaste
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… need more help?
for Reiki and 1 to 1 Transformational Therapy phone Pat on 07737 196 669
or click on the link to book a complementary 30 min call back www.calendly.com/livingfirst
for Stress Less, Live More online workshops and talks email: info@livingfirst.co.uk