Something's missing...
... and it's not just me saying this.
It's up there as one of the most common life problems.
When there is that 'something missing', everything is out of kilter. You don't feel like yourself, you're not being yourself and there's a good chance there's a whole world of opportunity 'out there' waiting for you to be in it... yet there's no way of getting there.
Everything is affected: your life, your life experience and your future
You're a curious creature yet you no longer find what you're looking for and everything begins to look bland. Those things that used to inspire lose their shine, and life on the whole is bordering on tedious pointlessness.
On top of which sympathy is nowhere to be found. After all, 'you have it all!'
Yeah, right! You might have a lot, but still, there's something's missing...
I can help you - you see, I've been exactly where you are in yourself now - let me help you.
Like I said, most wouldn't be sympathetic towards you anyway, and sometimes they can be cruel, and this means empathy is seriously thin on the ground - if anywhere.
I understand because in many ways I have been where you are now.
It first hit me when I was 25. Is this you?
Like you, I knew I was born for more - to shine, thrive... and be happy doing so... to enjoy my life.
There's lots of way in which we can make this happen for you...
Your first step is to get in touch - contact details are below...
to book an in-person donation-only session phone:
Totnes Natural Health Centre: 01803 864 587
Me: 07737 196 669
for private sessions (leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can)
Click here to book a complementary 30 min call back
News on the Living First front
... yes, this is the first of our new monthly blog !
New year, new mission - to get as many of you happy, healthy, shiny, thrivy and feeling fab-u-lous.
And why not ! There really is no excuse.
It doesn't matter if you're rich, poor, near or far - I tailor therapies to suit you and your circumstances
I do strip things back to grassroots level living, mother Earth and all that, so if that's not for you - I fare thee well.
If one to one isn't for you - let's hear what you want to talk about, what's bothering you and how you're coping - they say it helps to talk and that talk comes in many forms.
Many of you will be activity oriented - one spark of inspiration is all you need and you'll be off ! I know, I've been there too - and it can be exhausting leading to burn out way before your use by date. I'm here to make sure you've got everything on board - after all we want your moves to be well-grounded and sustainable, don't we.
Here's how:
The Practice - work with me 1 to 1
Do you sometimes feel something's missing from your life, or you know you need help, but don't know why or where to go?
Let's make 2022 the year you set yourself up for a life of abundance - out with everything and anything that's holding you back.
Apparently, astrologically 2022 is a good year to set yourself up well from the ground up. However, it does have its challenges in the form of naughty Uranus - should be fun!
Online or in person - you choose !
Any Readers out there?
Wakey, Wakey ! First Review !
That reminds me, I must check out how things are going on Amazon... Yay ! More sold, a review, and have already had some personal feedback on how it's helped through a tough weekend - when morphine patches ran out! I know, I was blown away.
Ah yes, and it was great to come downstairs to find one of our gorgeous receptionists reading it. Her response as she continued to read... 'it's lovely.' Since then, I've hear, 'I'm really enjoying it, it's brilliant!' Now, however, it's gone missing from the Centre's library - must be a good sign :-D
Here's the review on Amazon - so proud
5.0 out of 5 stars
"A must have on every bookshelf"
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 6 December 2021Verified Purchase
"This book is in the self help section. It is much more than that. It's written in language i understand. Simplicity. Informative. Friendly. Endearing. No medical jargon. A very easy read but as far as im concerned an essential important addition to my life. I will be using this book for the rest of my life. Fantastic book."
Love it!
Click here to get your copy.
2022's writing project is already on the way... you know the one - for the 25s to mid-lifers in preparation for living the other side of mid life really, really well... more shining and thriving. I know midlife when you're 25 is a million lives away. However, an early set up is a set up for life - an adventurous one too - no boring stuff here.
And remember, I did the hard yards and let me tell you - it is most decidedly overrated ! - give yourself a break... let me help.
Global Reiki Circle... 9th January, 2022
A fundamental element in healing... spreading the love, light and good wishes further afield...
Magic was the theme for last month... This month...
The Reiki Circle was a blast last night - it always gets things moving in the most extraordinarily unexpected ways.
The theme for 2022 is setting our spirits free, in the spirit of,
wishes that are true bear the sweetest fruit
Ahhh.... so true.
Somehow doing so whilst taking time out from everything else, sharing space on a spiritual plain with like-embodied souls makes it happen... without having to do anything more, other than bringing yourself back to self, Earth and everything.
I love this process, and yes, as and when the magical is alive and living through you, life can be truly magical.
To take part in this gorgeous for everything shiny and thrivy circle
Click here to go to the event and book through Facebook... no pressure, no fee and always will be.
Click here to stay in the loop and join our Facebook Group
(subscribe here to have these blogposts delivered to your inbox)
No matter where you travel, no matter how - I wish you love, light, ownership, fun and laughter