Reclaim your bod, your mind – your life!

Living First's series of 10 sessions, either in one to one or group workshops has been brought together to give you the chance to step off your treadmill for a while, immerse yourself in everything you and life has to offer, let go of everything that's holding you back and Go For It!
What’s holding you back from living your happy, healthy and fulfilling life?
Is it confidence, timidity, nervousness, or you are naturally reserved? Maybe you’ve already talked yourself into being, or others have convinced you to be less than your full potential?
No matter what, Living First’s package of 10 sessions will have all you need to get you back on your track to a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Also, by purchasing this package, you will be given automatic access to our energising, empowering and strengthening Living First community.
Go For It! Is a package of 10 sessions organised around enlivening each of the main energy centres, topped and tailed, first with your connectivity to the whole of everything and ending with you stepping fairly and squarely into your life anew.
There are 2 ways to access the Go For It package:
1 to 1 online through Zoom or
In person or online group workshop
Either way – you know you want this, go on - Book a Call Back
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