I am without doubt old school with a nod to technology as a tool - an aide memoir, a means of communication, a calculator, a typewriter, a journal and library. This became all the more obvious today when I was getting a second quote for carpet fitting.
The digital age version had visited the day before, with samples, just not the one we had chosen, because 'the producer had stopped producing carpet'. You maybe aware that polypropylene carpets are flying off the shelves just now for their 'easy cleanability', which of course has had a knock on effect on the other, wool carpet producers. Not least this one that was renowned for its quality. I remembered the sample he had brought from when I had visited the shop, as it was the one we had chosen before the one we had settled upon. Although a similar price, it wasn't the same quality. But we went through the process of measuring, discussing how best the carpet should be laid. And the chap came up with a really good idea, or so we thought, for avoiding the turn on the stairs.
And so the chap went on his way with a promise to get back to us once he had drawn up the design. That was Tuesday, we are now on Thursday - so far no news.
In the meantime, we decided to get another quote. So, yesterday, we popped into another store, explained what we were looking for, and found that our originally chosen carpet had been out of production... for a year. We became aware very quickly that the lady knew what she was talking about and arranged that she came the next day to quote. Off we went with samples in hand.
So, now it comes to today. She measures with no discussion about the stairs until she is sitting down working through her figures. When I suggested the other chap's idea, she went quite pale. 'Oh no,' she said, 'that's what I was saying about the wear. There would be adverse wearing on that edge.'
A word to the wise. Good ideas are only really good ideas when they are borne of real knowledge with an appreciation for the product.
Within another five minutes she had worked out and given us a quote. Within another minute we gave her our business.
We are still waiting to hear from the other chap.
We were lucky, but it does make me wonder about the future. Are there youngsters out there with that connectivity to, depth of knowledge and appreciation for their product?
Late breaking news...
We finally received the second quote... at £600 more than the first, that's just under 50% more expensive.
I'll let you know the final outcome, fitting due in 2 days time...
Well, are we well and truly happy !
The fitters turned up on time, ready to crack on and pleased to see we'd prepped the space well. Four hours later the job was done, leaving us as pleased as punch. There were a few hiccups along the way, of course, that's only par for the course, but overall much the better all round for going for the ways of the old school...