Well, I'm starting this post here and I don't know if I am doing right for wrong... time will tell.
The idea came to light quite a few months ago... I've always been one for the clever one-liner, which more recently has developed into potential titles for a book... a way of getting my version of living better out there into the wider world. I shared the title with a couple of people, just to get it out there really, you know, into the public domain, but something was stopping me from doing anything concrete with it.
Just now, having had a crazy 24 hours living life's vagaries, I am realising just what that something is... it is the freedom of my teenage years a-calling.
It was everything... this sums it up nicely:
It was a snapshot of a time in my life when I experienced being everything; I was me and I felt great. It's still in there, living and breathing throughout.
Much life has been lived in the ensuing 44 years!
Yet, I still oh so do know me when I am free to be.
I just get confused and confounded, spun off course by everything else in life!
That is all changing. I am changing. Every moment of every day and in every way I am changing, recovering, healing. All the time, little by little I am being more and more me for real.
Life's too precious a deal for clever one-liners.
I set up Living First to be part of making living better in a way that suits me best.
How can I help you in your quest (because I know you are on one) to change yourself, your life, living and life for the better?
9 times out of 10 the things we think we need or want are not what we actually need or want. However, the first step to realising the truth of the matter is to get all your wants, needs, desires etc. out in the open.
So, to get things moving...
What do you need, want (etc) to change yourself, your life, living and life for the better?
Let it out, let it go and let's get things moving...